Automatic Image Rotation and Orientation API

This is intended for software developers.
If you are not a developer, please consider trying our Photo Scanning Service for absolutely no charge.

We are happy to announce that our system for automatically orienting photos is now available for everyone to use. The API is available at and can be used to automatically rotate images right-side up.

http --form POST [email protected] -o ./rotated.jpg


The API is currently free and unauthenticated. We are restricting it to hobbyist use at the moment:

  • 10 requests per minute.
  • 1000 requests per day.

How It Works

The API uses a neural network to detect the orientation of the image. It then rotates the image to the correct orientation and returns the result. This is useful for photos that have been scanned upside down or sideways.

The API works best with photos that have a single dominant orientation.

Photos are not stored on our servers and are deleted immediately after processing.


We do not have a pricing model in place yet.

If you are interested in using the API for commercial purposes, please contact us at [email protected].